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Table 1 Model process equations. Equations used to describe the processes included in the ecological model CAEDYM

From: Effect of benthic boundary layer transport on the productivity of Mono Lake, California

∂Zi/∂t = [GiAif(Z)if1(T)(1-fex-feg) - (Ri+Mi)f2(T) - Predi]Zi

   = (assimilation - excretion - egestion) - (respiration + mortality) - predation

∂P/∂t = [Pmax,jf1(T)min(f(I),f(P),f(N)) - (Rj)f2(T) - Predj]Pj ± Sj

   = photosynthetic uptake - (respiration + excretion + mortality) - predation ± settling

∂POC/∂t = Σ[Gif(Z)if1(T)i((1-Ai) + Aifeg) + Mif2(T)i]Zi + Σ[Rj(1-fres)(1-fDOM)f2(T)]Pj - PredPOCPOC - RPOCf(DO)f1(T)POC ± SPOM

   = (unassimilated zooplankton food + zooplankton egestion + zooplankton mortality) + phytoplankton mortality - zooplankton predation - POC decomposition ± settling

∂DOC/∂t = Σ[Rj(1-fres)fDOMf2(T)]Pj + RPOCfPOC(POC)f (DO)f2(T)POC - RDOCf (DO)f2(T)DOC

   = phytoplankton excretion + POC decomposition - DOC mineralisation

∂POP/∂t = Σ[Gif(Z)if1(T)i((1-Ai) + Aifeg) + Mif2(T)i]IPZiZi + Σ[Rj(1-fres)(1-fDOM)f2(T)]IPj - PredPOCPOP - RPOPf(DO)f1(T)POP ± SPOM

   = (unassimilated zooplankton food + zooplankton egestion + zooplankton mortality) + phytoplankton mortality - zooplankton predation - POP decomposition ± settling

∂DOP/∂t = Σ[Rj(1-fres)fDOMf2(T)]IPj + Σ[AifexGif(Z)if1(T)i]IPZiZi + RPOPf (DO)f1(T)POP - RDOPf (DO)f1(T)DOP

   = phytoplankton release + zooplankton excretion + POP decomposition - DOP mineralisation

∂PO4/∂t = RDOPf (DO)f2(T)DOP - Σ[UNmax,jf1(T)jf(IP)jf(P)j]Pj + SdPO4f(DO)f2(T)LA/LV

   = DOP mineralisation - phytoplankton uptake + PO4 sediment flux

∂PON/∂t = Σ[Gif(Z)if1(T)i((1-Ai) + Aifeg) + Mif2(T)i]INZiZi + Σ[Rj(1-fres)(1-fDOM)f2(T)]INj - PredPONPON - RPONf(DO)f1(T)PON ± SPOM

   = (unassimilated zooplankton food + zooplankton egestion + zooplankton mortality) + phytoplankton mortality - zooplankton predation - PON decomposition ± settling

∂DON/∂t = Σ[Rj(1-fres)fDOMf2(T)]INj + Σ[AifexGif(Z)if1(T)i]INZiZi + RPONf(DO)f2(T)PON - RDONf(DO)f2(T)DON

   = phytoplankton release + zooplankton excretion + PON decomposition - DON mineralisation

∂NH4/∂t = RDONf(DO)f1(T)DON - Σ[UNmax,jPNf1(T)jf(IN)jf(N)j]Pj - RNOf(DO)f2(T)NH4 + SdNH4f(DO)f2(T)LA/LV

   = PON mineralisation - phytoplankton uptake - nitrification + NH4 sediment flux

∂NO3/∂t = RNOf(DO)f2(T)NH4 - RN2f(DO)f2(T)NO3 - Σ[UNmax,j(1-PN)f1(T)jf(IN)jf(N)j]Pj

   = nitrification - denitrification - phytoplankton uptake

∂DO/∂t = kO2(DO_atm - DO) + Σ[Pmax,jf1(T)jmin(f(I),f(P),f(N)) - Rjf2(T)j]PjYO2:C Σ[Rif2(T)i]ZiYO2:C - RDOCf (DO)f1(T)DOCYO2:C - RNOf (DO)f2(T)NH4 - SdO2f(DO)f2(T)LA/LV

   = atmospheric flux + (phytoplankton oxygen production - phytoplankton respiratory consumption) - zooplankton respiratory consumption - utilisation of oxygen in mineralisation of DOM - utilisation of oxygen in nitrification - sediment oxygen demand.

Temperature functions

f1(T) = θT-20 - θk(T-a) + b

where k, a and b are constants solved numerically to satisfy the following conditions:

f1(T) = 1; at T = Tsta

f1(T)/∂T = 0; at T = Topt

f1(T) = 0; at T = Tmax

f2(T) = θT-20

Limitation equations


f(I)j = I/Is exp(1-I/Is)

f(IP)j = [IPmax/(IPmax-IPmin)] [1-IPmin/IP]

f(IN)j = [INmax/(INmax-INmin)] [1-INmin/IN]

f(DO) = DO/(KDO+DO)

f(P) = PO4/(KPO4+PO4)

f(N) = (NH4+NO3)/(KN2+NH4+NO3)

PN = (NH4 NO3)/[(NH4+KN)(NO3+KN)] + (NH4 KN)/[(NH4+KN)(NO3+KN)]


Sj = (ws/Δz)Pj

SPOM = (g(ρPOM - ρw)(DPOM)2/18μ)/Δz)POM


Predi = Σ(Gkf(Z)kf1(T)kZkPzZOOk,i)

Predj = Σ(Gif(Z)if1(T)iZiPzPHYi,j)

Abbreviations: Z, zooplankton; P, phytoplankton; POC, particulate organic carbon; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; POP, particulate organic phosphorus; PO4, phosphate; PON, particulate organic nitrogen; NH4, ammonium; NO3, nitrate; POM, particulate organic matter (C, N or P); IPzi, zooplankton internal phosphorus; INzi, zooplankton internal nitrogen; IPj, phytoplankton internal phosphorus; INj, phytoplankton internal nitrogen; DO, dissolved oxygen; DOatm, concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere; LA, layer area; LV, layer volume; Δz, layer thickness; ρw, density of water; μ, viscosity of water; kO2, oxygen transfer coefficient. Subscripts: i, zooplankton group; j, phytoplankton group; k, zooplankton predator group.